Monday, April 13, 2009

crazy, crazy...

I have not been doing very well at all with updating this....I have been way too busy! I can't believe school is almost out! It's so crazy and exciting! I'm SO ready for summer and a break and warm weather, but I'm not so ready to spend most of it away from Tucker. :( I'm really hoping that it won't be so bad, but we will see.

This past weekend has been great! I always love long weekends! Thursday night Tuck and I went to the movies to see Knowing (strange, but pretty good movie) then he left Friday morning to go home. Rest of the day Friday I spent hanging around the house till my family and I went out for dinner and then later on that night I went with Kris, Josh, and Jordyn to Korie's for her bday bonfire. My clothes STILL smell like bonfire smoke and I've washed them like 2 times! hehe. Saturday was a pretty fun day of rest and relaxation. I got to sleep in and then I ran some errands with my mom. I also baked brownies for Easter lunch at grandmas. Sunday I went to church and then up to grandmas to help her get ready for lunch. That was definately crazy! There were tons of people and like 9 kids running around and screaming. The easter egg hunt was a success this year I believe. Hannah and I decided against hiding any eggs in exhaust pipes since it did not go over so well last year...haha

<~~Me, Hannah, and her future husband James after we hid the eggs for the hunt

Speaking of Hannah she is getting married and I get to be a bridesmaid! I'm so excited for her! It's still crazy to think that my younger cousin is getting married before me but its definately exciting and I'm definately happy for her! She showed me our dresses and I think they are cute! I'm also excited cuz they will be black so I can wear it more than just for her wedding which is always good! :) If you want to see what it looks like you can click the link below, and the color we are getting is black so if that color doesn't show up when you click on it then you will have to change it!

Well, I better get moving. I really should be writing a lesson plan for my Math class right now since it was due like 2 months ago and I still haven't even started. At least I have an idea now! I also need to take a shower and get ready to head back up to school cuz Tuck should be leaving his house here in a little bit and I'm still in my pjs....I'm so lazy! haha

P.S. Yay for another 4 day school week!