Thursday, January 15, 2009

ice, ice cold, SO COLD!

ok, so this cold weather is going to have to go somewhere other than here...alaska perhaps? i mean those people signed up for cold weather by moving there...right? but walking across campus to classes with temperatures in the negatives...yeah, i most definately did not sign up for that! i do enjoy looking at the snow though and i enjoyed watching it fall yesterday, but i don't enjoy slushing across campus through it now and the very cold weather that followed....

another thing that is going to have to go is classes at 8 in the morning...who thought of that??? whoever it was should be shot, unless they are already dead...then may the rest in peace! haha i also am not liking the whole homework thing....but oh well.

i'm so ready for tomorrow and the weekend! :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

back to school...

Well, break is officially over. I'm happy, yet sad. I'm still not completely sure how I feel. I'm happy to be back in my room on my own, but yet I kinda miss my home and my room at home and my dog. :( I absolutely LOVE being back and being able to see tuck whenever i want! I'm absolutely not looking forward to going to class tomorrow. It's going to be sooo freakin cold walking around campus the rest of this weekend...stupid winter!
The one thing i am looking forward to about classes this semester is i have a lot of friends in my classes so that will be good, AND tucker is in 2 of my classes which will be great! He's in my class that i have at 8 on monday, wednesday, and friday so that will be one reason to get out of bed early...right? haha i sure hope so!
Well I'm off to go watch the biggest loser and then get to bed at a decent hour..hopefully...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

one year...

Tucker and I have been dating for a year and a week now. I still can't believe it! The year went by so fast! Even though we have only been dating for a year part of me still feels like it's been a lot longer than that. I feel like I have known him my whole life instead of just meeting him the first day of class freshman year. I continually think back to the first time we hung out, and the first time he came to my house, the first time I went to his, our first kiss and all the fun memories we have had over the year and a half or so we've known each other. We have had tons of laughs...usually him laughing at me, but I'm used to it! We've sadly had a few fights, but we always seem to make up and get over it. Over the year and a half we have known each other he has become my best friend. I tell him absolutely everything. I can't go a day without talking to him. We finish each others sentences and we often find ourselves saying the same thing at the same time which makes us laugh and everyone around us look at us like we're crazy.

For our one year I decided to make Tucker a scrapbook. It turned out pretty good for me! I love scrapbooking, but I don't have much stuff and it's hard to find a time to do it. But I got it done and he seemed to love it! As I was working on my scrapbook it was hard for me not to laugh at some of the pictures I came across. The one picture that always makes me laugh is our first picture together. It was taken at Steak n' Shake after the Jon McLaughlin concert homecoming weekend.

As you can see even then he was a butt and did not like getting his picture taken! I'm surprised that I have as many pics of us as I do because every time I pull out a camera he usually runs or hides or makes a face so that it ruins the picture. But I love him anyways! :)
I'm so ready to get back to school where I can see him every day again. I don't like being apart. I was hoping that I would be able to see him a lot over break, but that sadly did not happen. So, now I'm ready to get back and see him whenever I want!

Here goes...

So, Mindy told me that this was a lot easier than Xanga and more fun to use, so I'm going to try it out...hopefully she's right! :) I'm kinda excited about it because it does look fun I'm just afraid I won't keep it up or forget about it..haha