Sunday, March 15, 2009

Find a penny...

So, I'm pretty sure that today was my lucky day! It started out just like any other day, but as it progressed it got much better! After church mom and i decided that we wanted to get out so we drove up to 116th street to the super target to shop around. On our way to target i heard the commercial for the Kenny Chesney concert, and I said that i really wanted to go but the only way i would be able to go would be if i won tickets and that that would never happen. I couldn't buy tickets to the concert because #1 I don't really have the money to spend and #2 I already told Tucker I would back off on the concerts for a while because I have been spending a lot of money on them lately. So anyways, mom and I got to target and we went in and shopped around some. I was very disappointed because all of the swimsuits that I wanted were bikinis and well I would just not fit well in a bikini so I was highly disappointed. Mom bought the few things she wanted and we headed back out to the car. As soon as we got back in the car I heard the radio thing to call in and win the Kenny tickets so I said what the heck I'll give it a try. Well, my first try said the call could not be connected because there were too many people dialing, so I hung up and was going to say forget it, but I decided to try again. The second time the phone rang, and rang, and RANG....I was about to just hang up and say forget it because I figured by now they had already had their winner when the lady answered and said WFMS who's this...well, I definately froze for a few seconds before I could talk. I could NOT believe I got through and I was actually the 10th caller. I definately freaked out. So now I get to go to Kenny for free!!! YAY!!! I'm so excited, but the bad part is I now have to wait till September...oh well!
The next part of my lucky day came when I decided to go to JC Penny's to see if they had any swimsuits that I liked, and well they did! My first choice they did not have in my size but then I found another one that I loved and I got the last one in my size! I was so excited, except of course there is a sad side to this one I want to go layout by my pool and go swimming and well that just won't be happening for a while. Even though it was a very warm 63 degrees today! :)
The next lucky part of my day was while I was at JC Penny's I found an Easter dress and shoes that matched perfectly! I'm very excited! I'm also excited to wear the dress like all the time because its just cute and I like it and the heels are of course cute!
That was my lucky day in a nutshell! :) The only thing that could have made my day better would have been if Tuck was here with me....that's the one bad thing about break is that we have to spend it apart. I'm not as pathetic as I was last year or over the summer, but I do really miss him and wish I could see him. I was planning on going down to the lovely Osgood sometime this week, but unless we go there on our "family day" on Wednesday it's not looking so good. I have work Monday and Tuesday, "family day" with mom and dad on Wednesday and then I guess Thursday and Friday I won't have a car which is just STUPID! What the heck am I going to do all day at home by myself except homework?!?! Boo! The sad thing is that's exactly what I should be doing because I have sooo much but thats just stupid and I don't even want to think about it!
Wow, so after a long time of not posting anything I have a long post....imagine that. That's just like something I would do. Well, I'm off to work on some homework and then talk to my man! :)