Wednesday, December 23, 2009


What to do what to do..I'm officially on break and I have nothing to do. I haven't felt this way in a very long time...actually, I don't know if I ever remember feeling this way. Even over the summer I had work so I always stayed busy, but I decided to take a couple of much needed, and I think well deserved, weeks off work so I don't go back until Jan 4. So, until then I must keep myself occupied around the house. Monday and Tuesday consisted of wrapping presents and baking, but now I don't have anything to make or anything left to wrap so I decided to update this since I haven't lately.
One reason why I have not been able to update my wonderful blog is due to the horrible semester I had. I had one education class that completely took over my life. It was 6 credit hours but felt like 100. Now that it's over I can finally breathe again. I do have to admit that I really enjoyed the class. Yes, I know, I'm a nerd, but the class was Reading Methods. We had to learn pretty much how kids learn to read so that we can help them improve and all that fun stuff. For part of the class we also had to tutor a struggling student just so we could get the experience and actually put what we were learning to work. I believe that I would have enjoyed this class a lot more if I did not have to put so much time and effort into it. At the end of the semester I had to turn in two 2" binders full of papers and work from the class. One was my tutoring binder and the other was a resource binder. Inside the resource binder we had to have all of our papers she passed out to us and all of our notes from the reading. By the way, my shortest thing of notes was probably 5 pages. I used 3 ink cartridges for my printer and spent at least $1o in the library printing stuff off for this class. Oh well, I will stop complaining now because THANK GOD it is OVER! :) Now, I just have to remember everything I learned so that I can pass the Praxis 2 Reading Specialists test that I am taking Jan 9!
Along with this class I also had other classes that I was not too excited about and that also gave me trouble, but I managed to make it and I even managed to get 1 A and the rest all B+'s so I would say that is pretty decent. :)
I'm excited for Saturday. As of right now, that is the day that I get to see Tucker again and I can hardly wait. It's been a week now and I haven't really gotten to talk to him much this break and I didn't even get to say bye before he left for break :( I was hoping that he could come up tonight and stay the night so we could have Christmas with my family, but I guess that's not working. He said he will probably have to go in to his dad's shop today and help out but I highly doubt that is going to happen since he just had surgery on his toe yesterday and he called me last night at 11:45 and talked to me till a little after 1 this morning complaining about how much pain he was in. I don't think he would be going in to the shop to stand on his foot all day if he was in that much pain last night, but who knows. I could be wrong.
Well, I suppose it is almost lunch time so I should probably go figure out what I'm going to fix today.

P.S. hopefully later I can post pics of the presents I made for Tucker's sister and parents for Christmas. I would post them now, but I forgot to take pictures of them before I wrapped them. teehee. The only pics I have are on my phone and they are not that great. If you are just dying to know what I made them you can google Alphabet photography and its something like that! :) Hopefully they will like them because I sure loved making them. And if you are reading this and would like me to make one for you...let me know! ;)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Prayer for a Friend

Lord I lift my friend to You.
I've done all that I know to do.
I lift my friend, to You.
Complicated circumstances
have clouded his view.
Lord I lift my friend up to You.

I fear that I won’t have the words
that he needs to hear.
I pray for Your wisdom , oh God.
And a heart that's sincere.
And Lord I lift my friend up
to You.

Lord I lift my friend to You.
My best friend in the
world, I know he means much
more to You.
I want so much to help him, but
this is something he has to do.
Lord I lift my friend up to You.

There's a way that seems so right to him.
But You know where that leads.
He's becoming a puppet of the world.
Too blind to see the strings.
And Lord I lift my friend up to You.

Lord I lift my friend to You.
I've done all that I know to do.
I lift my friend, to You.

Don't have much else to say right now..
heard this song today and it really fit in to
something that happened it must
really be a God thing...funny how he works sometimes...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

long time...

Wow, it's been a long time since I have updated this. I'm really getting bad at this. You would think that since it's summer I would have plenty of time to update, but I really don't. And the sad thing is I really don't do anything. I go to work come home, eat dinner, and then go to bed. It's a very sad life I'm living right now...haha

So, I really don't know where to start since I've missed quite a few days. I guess I will just start with last weekend since that is the most exciting thing that has happened lately. Last Thursday evening Tucker came up, which surprised me because I wasn't expecting him until Friday, but of course I didn't complain. We didn't really do anything too exciting that evening. Friday morning we actually woke up early for some reason went and got some breakfast and then went to the AT&T store to get him another iphone since he lost his 1st iphone over Spring Break and never found it...When we got home from that we went swimming because my swimming pool is finally opened. We didn't stay over there very long though due to the fact that the sun wasn't really out, it really wasn't all that warm outside, and the water was freezing. (The water is just now starting to get halfway warm...) Saturday we slept in a little bit and then left about 2 to go up to Fort Wayne to my aunt's house. It was kind of a depressing 4th this year due to the amount of rain and lack of fireworks :( it was still really fun though. Tucker and I drove seperately from my parents so we could stay later and we ended up playing paper telephone with part of my family who stayed.

For those of you who don't know, paper telephone is a very fun game. If you ever get bored and have some people you should play! What you do is get a blank piece of paper for every one and everyone comes up with something to say (just like in a game of regular telephone) except you write your thought or sentence down at the top of the paper. You then pass your paper to the person sitting next to you. They have to draw a picture about your sentence/thought. After they have illustrated your thought they then fold down the top of the paper so the next person can't see what you originally wrote and all they can see is their picture. They then pass it to the person next to them and that person has to look at the picture and write a sentence about it or write a sentence of what they think the thought is. They then fold the paper down to cover the drawing and pass it on. The next person reads the sentence and draws a picture...and so on and so is very, very funny. One of the thoughts I used to start with was "Oh say can you see" (since it was the 4th of July and all...haha) and when I got my paper back it said something about Kate explaining to 4 of her children that she is leaving Jon because she is pregnant with someone else's child....hahaha it cracked me up.

Sunday afternoon Tucker and I went bowling...I beat him all 3 games of course! :) And it cost him dinner. Loser had to buy dinner at Applebee' was a very yummy dinner,especially since I didn't have to buy it! :D After dinner Tucker had to leave and I went back to being bored and lonely of course..

And since last weekend I have done nothing but work. Last night and tonight i had to watch my 2 younger cousins. One of them of is about ready to see his life flash before his eyes because he is driving me crazy. he complains about EVERYTHING!!! He's 11 years old but whines like a 2 year old.

Well, I'm off to check out this twitter thing...i think i may just finally cave in and get one...what is this world coming to? haha

A couple pics from the 4th:

Sparkler art is pretty much the coolest thing ever! :)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

My weekend officially started on Friday since I only work Monday-Thursday. This weekend was VERY nice since I didn't work Friday and we had today off. I'm not looking forward to going to work tomorrow, but I really need to $$$. I think after this week I will hopefully be used to work all day again and it will be a lot better, but right now I'm still used to working only a couple of hours at a time and then leaving. I don't know what I'm going to do when I actually have to grow up and work all day, every day of the week..haha

Anyways, Tucker came up Friday which made me happy since he was supposed to come up till Saturday some time. We didn't do anything too fun or exciting. We actually spent most/all of the day over at my old house doing yard work and cleaning because it desperately needed it. It wasn't how I really wanted to spend a day with him...I would have much rather been doing something fun, but it was good to spend time with him and we made our own fun out of doing work...haha

Saturday we slept in some and then we went to one of my friends open houses in the afternoon. Saturday evening we went over to his aunt's house for a pitch-in dinner. One of Tucker's aunts lives like 5 minutes from me. Its funny because his family doesn't really talk to them anymore so he hadn't really talked to them much till we started dating. Anyways, his aunts kids were coming down from Wisconsin so she had a big pitch in dinner thing and invited us to come over so we went there. It was fun. We didn't get home till after 9 and then not too long after that I went to bed since I had a long day ahead of me the next day.

Sunday morning we woke up around 5:45 am(a time that should NEVER exist in my vocabulary), i got all the stuff ready, dragged Tucker out of bed and we were out of the house by about 6:15. This was like my 7th Indy 500 I believe, and let me say I have never EVER experienced traffic like I did this year. I always got stuck in stop and go traffic on race day, but never this bad! Tucker and I were stopped in traffic for 2 and a half hours! We got up at the crack of dawn for nothing because we wanted to park in the North 40 lot off of 30th street and it closed before we got there. It was horrible! For the first hour and a half we sat in traffic we moved maybe a mile...if even that. So of course I was ticked because I'm not a patient person, and I did NOT want to have to pay to park, but I ended up getting out of the car and switching seats with Tucker so he could drive and I could walk over to the gas station to get money out of the ATM so I could pay to park. We finally got further down 30th street and parked at some car garage for $10 and walked about 3 blocks down to the track. Since we didn't get to park where we wanted to, we didn't get to sit out in the chairs and tailgate like we wanted to. We decided to make our ham and cheese sandwiches and just go on in and sit in the shade on the golf course so we did. Since it was still rather early in the morning, probably around 10 by this time, we layed down in the grass and just rested for a while. A little later on we went ahead and ate our food. Around noon we decided to get up and start heading to our seats. We made a couple of pit stops before we actually got there though. I had to use the restroom and then we went and bought Tuck sunglasses because he forgot to bring some and the sun was going to be directly in our eyes for most of the race. We finally got to our seats, which were an excellent birthday present from my parents for me! :) They were about 5 rows from the top of the stand we were in and they were end seats so Tuck could stretch his legs out in the aisle. We both had tons of fun. I of course love going to races, but Tucker had never been to an actual race and I was afraid he wasn't going to have fun, but he seemed to have lots of fun. I wasn't too happy when my Marco got out on the first freakin lap, but I got over it quickly. haha We both also got some sun. Thankfully I was smart and put some sunscreen on the both of us so we didn't get red!
Tuck had to go home last night and I'm missing him already. Summer really sucks. :( But I'm hoping if everything goes as I just planned that I will be going down Friday night to see him for a bit and go out to dinner for our 17 months which is on Monday...yes we still celebrate the months...July 1 will be a year and a half! :)
Well I'm going to go eat my cheesecake I made and head for bed so I can wake up for work in the morning!

Monday, May 18, 2009


I feel sorry for Mondays because I'm pretty sure that no one likes including! I really did not want to get out of bed this morning...especially since I had to go to work. I have had a major headache all day and I was very sick to my stomach this morning, but I felt a little better as the day went on...except for the headache, which I still have. :(
So, I was very excited with my decision to have a 3 day weekend every week and take Fridays off of work...the only problem is that they still seem to go too fast! :(
Friday I spent the day with Korie...we went and met Kristyn for lunch in Carmel and then came back to my house to watch movies. We ended up watching Bridewars and Because I said so. I had never seen Bridewars..I liked it...I kinda want to buy it now..haha
Saturday, I slept in some and then got up and went to my friend Thomas' graduation open house. After that I went to the very exciting WalMart to get a few things and then came back home.
Sunday, I got up and went to church then after church my family and I drove down to Tucker's. Mom and dad wanted to get meat from his dad's shop and I just wanted to see Tucker! :) haha I was really excited that we went because it was very spur of the moment and usually when my parents plan stuff they back out. I was SO glad to see him again, but it was only for a couple of hours so I really wished it could have been for longer, but oh well..he's coming up here next weekend! I'm hoping that he will end up coming up Friday night or early Saturday morning and then staying until late Sunday night or maybe even Monday morning..that would make me VERY happy since I know I won't get to see him too much this summer. I'm trying to plan a time where I can go down to his house and stay for the weekend or something. Hopefully I can figure out something soon!
I posted some of my textbooks on Amazon today. I thought I would try selling them there instead of messing with the bookstore. Hopefully I can sell them and get some money and get them out of my house. If not I'll go crazy because I really don't want them anymore.
Well, that's all I have to say for now.


Sunday, May 10, 2009


Summer is finally here! I'm so glad that the spring semester is over! This semester was about ready to kill was very rough and not much fun. But so far I've gotten all B's so thats good. Hopefully my other two grades can be the same or better...

The only bad thing about summer is not seeing Tuck...Today was my first full day without him. =( And it's going to be 2 weeks before I get to see him again unless I go down there next weekend, which probably won't happen, but we will see. I don't know how people do this long distance thing for a long period of time because I don't like doing it for a short period of time...haha. Anyways, we did get to spend the day together yesterday before he left for home. We decided to go out to the track for pole day. It was a lot of fun, but very cold due to the wind. I'm slowly turning him into a race fan I think. The last few times I have taken him out to the track he has seemed to enjoy it...we will see how well he does come the 24th on race day since he's coming with me this year! =) SO excited!

Here are a few pics from yesterday:

<~ Ryan Briscoe heading back to his pit.

The pagoda ~>


Monday, April 13, 2009

crazy, crazy...

I have not been doing very well at all with updating this....I have been way too busy! I can't believe school is almost out! It's so crazy and exciting! I'm SO ready for summer and a break and warm weather, but I'm not so ready to spend most of it away from Tucker. :( I'm really hoping that it won't be so bad, but we will see.

This past weekend has been great! I always love long weekends! Thursday night Tuck and I went to the movies to see Knowing (strange, but pretty good movie) then he left Friday morning to go home. Rest of the day Friday I spent hanging around the house till my family and I went out for dinner and then later on that night I went with Kris, Josh, and Jordyn to Korie's for her bday bonfire. My clothes STILL smell like bonfire smoke and I've washed them like 2 times! hehe. Saturday was a pretty fun day of rest and relaxation. I got to sleep in and then I ran some errands with my mom. I also baked brownies for Easter lunch at grandmas. Sunday I went to church and then up to grandmas to help her get ready for lunch. That was definately crazy! There were tons of people and like 9 kids running around and screaming. The easter egg hunt was a success this year I believe. Hannah and I decided against hiding any eggs in exhaust pipes since it did not go over so well last year...haha

<~~Me, Hannah, and her future husband James after we hid the eggs for the hunt

Speaking of Hannah she is getting married and I get to be a bridesmaid! I'm so excited for her! It's still crazy to think that my younger cousin is getting married before me but its definately exciting and I'm definately happy for her! She showed me our dresses and I think they are cute! I'm also excited cuz they will be black so I can wear it more than just for her wedding which is always good! :) If you want to see what it looks like you can click the link below, and the color we are getting is black so if that color doesn't show up when you click on it then you will have to change it!

Well, I better get moving. I really should be writing a lesson plan for my Math class right now since it was due like 2 months ago and I still haven't even started. At least I have an idea now! I also need to take a shower and get ready to head back up to school cuz Tuck should be leaving his house here in a little bit and I'm still in my pjs....I'm so lazy! haha

P.S. Yay for another 4 day school week!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Find a penny...

So, I'm pretty sure that today was my lucky day! It started out just like any other day, but as it progressed it got much better! After church mom and i decided that we wanted to get out so we drove up to 116th street to the super target to shop around. On our way to target i heard the commercial for the Kenny Chesney concert, and I said that i really wanted to go but the only way i would be able to go would be if i won tickets and that that would never happen. I couldn't buy tickets to the concert because #1 I don't really have the money to spend and #2 I already told Tucker I would back off on the concerts for a while because I have been spending a lot of money on them lately. So anyways, mom and I got to target and we went in and shopped around some. I was very disappointed because all of the swimsuits that I wanted were bikinis and well I would just not fit well in a bikini so I was highly disappointed. Mom bought the few things she wanted and we headed back out to the car. As soon as we got back in the car I heard the radio thing to call in and win the Kenny tickets so I said what the heck I'll give it a try. Well, my first try said the call could not be connected because there were too many people dialing, so I hung up and was going to say forget it, but I decided to try again. The second time the phone rang, and rang, and RANG....I was about to just hang up and say forget it because I figured by now they had already had their winner when the lady answered and said WFMS who's this...well, I definately froze for a few seconds before I could talk. I could NOT believe I got through and I was actually the 10th caller. I definately freaked out. So now I get to go to Kenny for free!!! YAY!!! I'm so excited, but the bad part is I now have to wait till September...oh well!
The next part of my lucky day came when I decided to go to JC Penny's to see if they had any swimsuits that I liked, and well they did! My first choice they did not have in my size but then I found another one that I loved and I got the last one in my size! I was so excited, except of course there is a sad side to this one I want to go layout by my pool and go swimming and well that just won't be happening for a while. Even though it was a very warm 63 degrees today! :)
The next lucky part of my day was while I was at JC Penny's I found an Easter dress and shoes that matched perfectly! I'm very excited! I'm also excited to wear the dress like all the time because its just cute and I like it and the heels are of course cute!
That was my lucky day in a nutshell! :) The only thing that could have made my day better would have been if Tuck was here with me....that's the one bad thing about break is that we have to spend it apart. I'm not as pathetic as I was last year or over the summer, but I do really miss him and wish I could see him. I was planning on going down to the lovely Osgood sometime this week, but unless we go there on our "family day" on Wednesday it's not looking so good. I have work Monday and Tuesday, "family day" with mom and dad on Wednesday and then I guess Thursday and Friday I won't have a car which is just STUPID! What the heck am I going to do all day at home by myself except homework?!?! Boo! The sad thing is that's exactly what I should be doing because I have sooo much but thats just stupid and I don't even want to think about it!
Wow, so after a long time of not posting anything I have a long post....imagine that. That's just like something I would do. Well, I'm off to work on some homework and then talk to my man! :)

Monday, February 16, 2009

so tired...

This semester is literally going to be the death of me! The dark circles under my eyes are getting so bad that I can no longer cover them up with makeup. Its sad. I really wish I could get more sleep, but with all the homework I have every night that will not be happening. I even spend most if not all of the weekend working on homework. I no longer have a life away from school and homework.
And now, to make matters worse I think i'm getting this nasty stomach virus that is going around campus...not fun at all...hopefully i will get lucky and not get it that bad...

Monday, February 2, 2009

I is bizzayyyy....

This semester sucks majorly! I have way too much to do! I leave my dorm every morning before 8 and I don't get back until usually around 4 or after. Then when I get back I have hours upon hours of wonderful homework to do! Boo! So far I am making it through though!
I have been VERY stressed though...if you don't believe me just ask Tucker...I'm sure he can tell you ALL about it! Although I am very stressed and a lot of my classes are relatively difficult for me I know I will make it through the semester and I am keeping my fingers crossed in hopes that I make the Dean's list for the 3rd time in a row! We will see though...
Anyways, I really don't have time to write anything else right now...I have to get back to writing my wonderful Physics paper on the different types of satellites...woohoo!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

ice, ice cold, SO COLD!

ok, so this cold weather is going to have to go somewhere other than here...alaska perhaps? i mean those people signed up for cold weather by moving there...right? but walking across campus to classes with temperatures in the negatives...yeah, i most definately did not sign up for that! i do enjoy looking at the snow though and i enjoyed watching it fall yesterday, but i don't enjoy slushing across campus through it now and the very cold weather that followed....

another thing that is going to have to go is classes at 8 in the morning...who thought of that??? whoever it was should be shot, unless they are already dead...then may the rest in peace! haha i also am not liking the whole homework thing....but oh well.

i'm so ready for tomorrow and the weekend! :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

back to school...

Well, break is officially over. I'm happy, yet sad. I'm still not completely sure how I feel. I'm happy to be back in my room on my own, but yet I kinda miss my home and my room at home and my dog. :( I absolutely LOVE being back and being able to see tuck whenever i want! I'm absolutely not looking forward to going to class tomorrow. It's going to be sooo freakin cold walking around campus the rest of this weekend...stupid winter!
The one thing i am looking forward to about classes this semester is i have a lot of friends in my classes so that will be good, AND tucker is in 2 of my classes which will be great! He's in my class that i have at 8 on monday, wednesday, and friday so that will be one reason to get out of bed early...right? haha i sure hope so!
Well I'm off to go watch the biggest loser and then get to bed at a decent hour..hopefully...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

one year...

Tucker and I have been dating for a year and a week now. I still can't believe it! The year went by so fast! Even though we have only been dating for a year part of me still feels like it's been a lot longer than that. I feel like I have known him my whole life instead of just meeting him the first day of class freshman year. I continually think back to the first time we hung out, and the first time he came to my house, the first time I went to his, our first kiss and all the fun memories we have had over the year and a half or so we've known each other. We have had tons of laughs...usually him laughing at me, but I'm used to it! We've sadly had a few fights, but we always seem to make up and get over it. Over the year and a half we have known each other he has become my best friend. I tell him absolutely everything. I can't go a day without talking to him. We finish each others sentences and we often find ourselves saying the same thing at the same time which makes us laugh and everyone around us look at us like we're crazy.

For our one year I decided to make Tucker a scrapbook. It turned out pretty good for me! I love scrapbooking, but I don't have much stuff and it's hard to find a time to do it. But I got it done and he seemed to love it! As I was working on my scrapbook it was hard for me not to laugh at some of the pictures I came across. The one picture that always makes me laugh is our first picture together. It was taken at Steak n' Shake after the Jon McLaughlin concert homecoming weekend.

As you can see even then he was a butt and did not like getting his picture taken! I'm surprised that I have as many pics of us as I do because every time I pull out a camera he usually runs or hides or makes a face so that it ruins the picture. But I love him anyways! :)
I'm so ready to get back to school where I can see him every day again. I don't like being apart. I was hoping that I would be able to see him a lot over break, but that sadly did not happen. So, now I'm ready to get back and see him whenever I want!

Here goes...

So, Mindy told me that this was a lot easier than Xanga and more fun to use, so I'm going to try it out...hopefully she's right! :) I'm kinda excited about it because it does look fun I'm just afraid I won't keep it up or forget about it..haha